
Archive for the ‘Customer Service’ Category

I needed a new exterior door for my circa 1850’s house so I went to a local “Mom & Pop” store, Raymond Builders’ Supply. Doug behind the counter, asked me questions I hadn’t even considered, and then proceeded to tell me I needed a special cut door, which I expected.

Next he made a telephone call, talking to someone in some customer service department…what was impressive about this was he calmly clarified items with whomever was the at the other end to make sure s/he understood and that he (Doug) was getting the right information. Doug got what he needed, did a quick calculation and gave me a price of $395. Expensive, but a custom door and somewhat expected.

Knowing that my wife would question that price, I decided to stop off at Home Depot, the next time I went by one…you see most “Big Boxes” are trips for me that have to be coupled with another need. “Raymond Builders’ Supply” is just down the road in the next town.

Well there was no one in the Door Department so I had to wait. Sure I saw people wearing orange aprons, but no one stopped to inquire if I needed help. After about 5 minutes I found this little “service button” do-hicky-magicker on the counter that was full of other “stuff”. It wasn’t a plan “Press Button for Service” type of button…some marketing genius put fancy graphics on it so it looked more like a box of something than a service button. I pressed the button.

Another 5 minutes passed until a young lady came to help…in the course of talking with her, she told me she “use to work” in this department, but didn’t “get it”, whatever “it” was. She went on to tell me that Eric was the man, and that he could help me, “when he gets here.”

Finally Eric showed up…nice enough young guy…fortunately I knew about the door that I needed (thanks to Doug), so I was able to direct Eric with good information. Of course, he had to use the computer, which “was slow today” (aren’t they all), and he couldn’t get it to pop out size information that made any sense.

Twenty-five minutes later, he came up with a price, $365, on a quote where the dimensions didn’t quite jell. Believe me…when you spend this much money for anything and it has to fit it into a tight hole in an old house…you want to make sure it’s going to fit…there literally is no return.

I bought the door from Doug…oh, he delivers too. I urge you to try the little merchant down the road…s/he may surprise you.

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